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Hallöle, wir sind auch an Bord!
Und fliegen ab Düsseldorf
(Edda und Susi) -
germanWings 9:50 Uhr ab Stuttgart.
Rückflug ist noch nicht bekannt und die Kabine leider auch nicht.
... ab Stuttgart
wie verprochen, habe ich nun die Infos von Arabian Sandtours in Salalah :
Bitte mal checken, wer Lust hat mitzufahren. Bei 4 Personen im PKW kostet es ca. 71 €/Person.
We leave the port ,we drive to the Frankincense Market 20 minutes stop its 18 Km far away from the port.We drive to Taqa small nice village we call Sardines village stop around 15 minutes its 38 km far away from the Frankincense Market.
We drive to Wadi Darbat in this wadi they can see Camels ,goats ,cows and donky living together without War!
There is also lake and quite a lot of green trees of course they can see quite a lot of birds its 15 km far away from Taqah.we stay there around 25 minutes.
We drive to Jebel Samhan 28 Km its highest mountain in Salalah 1600 M the view there is really nice.
We drive to Mirbat through beautiful hills greenery mountain to Mirbat its 40 Km. we stop around 25 minutes their Mirbat was famous frankincense exporting city 70 years ago .
We drive to Sumharam its an old history frankincense area.Khor Rori is a lake linked with sea this lake was river in the past.From mirbat to Sumharam is 38 Km.From Sumharam to the Port is 55 Km.
After visiting these nice place we drive direct to the ship.
The tours rate will 120 Rail per acar ,you will see the best sight of the Area.
Best Regards
Grüße, Andrea
wie verprochen, habe ich nun die Infos von Arabian Sandtours in Salalah :
Bitte mal checken, wer Lust hat mitzufahren. Bei 4 Personen im PKW kostet es ca. 71 €/Person.
We leave the port ,we drive to the Frankincense Market 20 minutes stop its 18 Km far away from the port.We drive to Taqa small nice village we call Sardines village stop around 15 minutes its 38 km far away from the Frankincense Market.
We drive to Wadi Darbat in this wadi they can see Camels ,goats ,cows and donky living together without War!
There is also lake and quite a lot of green trees of course they can see quite a lot of birds its 15 km far away from Taqah.we stay there around 25 minutes.
We drive to Jebel Samhan 28 Km its highest mountain in Salalah 1600 M the view there is really nice.
We drive to Mirbat through beautiful hills greenery mountain to Mirbat its 40 Km. we stop around 25 minutes their Mirbat was famous frankincense exporting city 70 years ago .
We drive to Sumharam its an old history frankincense area.Khor Rori is a lake linked with sea this lake was river in the past.From mirbat to Sumharam is 38 Km.From Sumharam to the Port is 55 Km.
After visiting these nice place we drive direct to the ship.
The tours rate will 120 Rail per acar ,you will see the best sight of the Area.
Best Regards
Grüße, Andrea
Da sich zwischenzeitlich schon einige für den Ausflug interessieren; hier die Mailadresse für die Buchung.
Grüße, Andrea
Ich komme auch:
1 + 2………………2 Personen…………………Sonnenhungrige 2014 (Marion + Christine)……………Kabinen noch nicht bekannt
3 + 4………………2 Personen…………………Perlenfee (Etelka + Heinz)………………………………………Kabine noch nicht bekannt
5 + 6 + 7………3 Personen………………….ReneST. (Rene, Edeltraud + Peter)……………………….Kabinen noch nicht bekannt
8 + 9………………2 Personen…………………Antje1111 (Antje + Christoph)…………………………………Kabine noch nicht bekannt
10……………………1 Person…………………….MEER18 (Margot)………………………………………………………Kabine noch nicht bekannt
11 + 12………….2 Personen…………………Gitti7 (Brigitte + Peter)……………………………………………Kabine noch nicht bekannt
13 + 14………….2 Personen…………………gernimurlaub (Jens + Astrid)……………………………………Kabine noch nicht bekannt
15 + 16………….2 Personen…………………Sonnenkinder ( Heidi + Klaus )……………………………….Kabine noch nicht bekannt
17 + 18………….2 Personen…………………Trolly50 (Monika + Jürgen)………………………………………Kabine noch nicht bekannt
19 + 20………….2 Personen…………………Andrea + Aida (Andrea + Tilo)…………………………………Kabine noch nicht bekannt
21……………………1 Person…………………….Maxmara (Gudrun)…………………………………………………….Kabine noch nicht bekannt
22,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1 Person,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Berbi123 (Bernd),,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Kabine noch nicht bekannt23 + 24 ........... 2 Personen............ Irmiko (Winni und Irmi) ............................... Kabine bekannt 42**
Ich komme auch:
Wir kommen auch1 + 2………………2 Personen…………………Sonnenhungrige 2014 (Marion + Christine)……………Kabinen noch nicht bekannt
3 + 4………………2 Personen…………………Perlenfee (Etelka + Heinz)………………………………………Kabine noch nicht bekannt
5 + 6 + 7………3 Personen………………….ReneST. (Rene, Edeltraud + Peter)……………………….Kabinen noch nicht bekannt
8 + 9………………2 Personen…………………Antje1111 (Antje + Christoph)…………………………………Kabine noch nicht bekannt
10……………………1 Person…………………….MEER18 (Margot)………………………………………………………Kabine noch nicht bekannt
11 + 12………….2 Personen…………………Gitti7 (Brigitte + Peter)……………………………………………Kabine noch nicht bekannt
13 + 14………….2 Personen…………………gernimurlaub (Jens + Astrid)……………………………………Kabine noch nicht bekannt
15 + 16………….2 Personen…………………Sonnenkinder ( Heidi + Klaus )……………………………….Kabine noch nicht bekannt
17 + 18………….2 Personen…………………Trolly50 (Monika + Jürgen)………………………………………Kabine noch nicht bekannt
19 + 20………….2 Personen…………………Andrea + Aida (Andrea + Tilo)…………………………………Kabine noch nicht bekannt
21……………………1 Person…………………….Maxmara (Gudrun)…………………………………………………….Kabine noch nicht bekannt
22,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1 Person,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Berbi123 (Bernd),,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Kabine noch nicht bekannt23 + 24 ........... 2 Personen............ Irmiko (Winni und Irmi) ............................... Kabine bekannt 42**
24 + 25..........2 Personen ..............Westiehund (Dieter + Heidi )..................................Kabine bekannt 44** -
24 + 25..........2 Personen ..............Westiehund (Dieter + Heidi )..................................Kabine bekannt 44**
24 + 25..........2 Personen ..............Westiehund (Dieter + Heidi )..................................Kabine bekannt 44**
26 + 27 .......... 2Personen .............Susi und Edda ....... Kabine noch nicht bekannt -
1 + 2………………2 Personen…………………Sonnenhungrige 2014 (Marion + Christine)……………Kabinen noch nicht bekannt
3 + 4………………2 Personen…………………Perlenfee (Etelka + Heinz)………………………………………Kabine noch nicht bekannt
5 + 6 + 7………3 Personen………………….ReneST. (Rene, Edeltraud + Peter)……………………….Kabinen noch nicht bekannt
8 + 9………………2 Personen…………………Antje1111 (Antje + Christoph)…………………………………Kabine noch nicht bekannt
10……………………1 Person…………………….MEER18 (Margot)………………………………………………………Kabine noch nicht bekannt
11 + 12………….2 Personen…………………Gitti7 (Brigitte + Peter)……………………………………………Kabine noch nicht bekannt
13 + 14………….2 Personen…………………gernimurlaub (Jens + Astrid)……………………………………Kabine noch nicht bekannt
15 + 16………….2 Personen…………………Sonnenkinder ( Heidi + Klaus )……………………………….Kabine noch nicht bekannt
17 + 18………….2 Personen…………………Trolly50 (Monika + Jürgen)………………………………………Kabine noch nicht bekannt
19 + 20………….2 Personen…………………Andrea + Aida (Andrea + Tilo)…………………………………Kabine noch nicht bekannt
21……………………1 Person…………………….Maxmara (Gudrun)…………………………………………………….Kabine noch nicht bekannt
22……………………1 Person…………………….Berbi123 (Bernd)……………………………………………………….Kabine noch nicht bekannt
23 + 24………….2 Personen…………………Irmiko (Winni + Irmi)……………………………………………….Kabine 42**
25 + 26………….2 Personen…………………Westiehund (Dieter + Heidi)…………………………………….Kabine 44**
27 + 28………….2 Personen…………………Susi1706 (Susi + Edda)…………………………………………….Kabine noch nicht bekannt
Dann möchte ich die Liste doch gerne noch etwas erweitern:29 + 30..........2 Personen...............AndiRE (Sabine + Andreas)..............................Kabine noch nicht bekannt
Hallo @
1 + 2………………2 Personen…………………Sonnenhungrige 2014 (Marion + Christine)……………Kabinen noch nicht bekannt
3 + 4………………2 Personen…………………Perlenfee (Etelka + Heinz)………………………………………Kabine noch nicht bekannt
5 + 6 + 7………3 Personen………………….ReneST. (Rene, Edeltraud + Peter)……………………….Kabinen noch nicht bekannt
8 + 9………………2 Personen…………………Antje1111 (Antje + Christoph)…………………………………Kabine noch nicht bekannt
10……………………1 Person…………………….MEER18 (Margot)………………………………………………………Kabine noch nicht bekannt
11 + 12………….2 Personen…………………Gitti7 (Brigitte + Peter)……………………………………………Kabine noch nicht bekannt
13 + 14………….2 Personen…………………gernimurlaub (Jens + Astrid)……………………………………Kabine noch nicht bekannt
15 + 16………….2 Personen…………………Sonnenkinder ( Heidi + Klaus )……………………………….Kabine noch nicht bekannt
17 + 18………….2 Personen…………………Trolly50 (Monika + Jürgen)………………………………………Kabine noch nicht bekannt
19 + 20………….2 Personen…………………Andrea + Aida (Andrea + Tilo)…………………………………Kabine noch nicht bekannt
21……………………1 Person…………………….Maxmara (Gudrun)…………………………………………………….Kabine noch nicht bekannt
22……………………1 Person…………………….Berbi123 (Bernd)……………………………………………………….Kabine noch nicht bekannt
23 + 24………….2 Personen…………………Irmiko (Winni + Irmi)……………………………………………….Kabine 42**
25 + 26………….2 Personen…………………Westiehund (Dieter + Heidi)…………………………………….Kabine 44**
27 + 28………….2 Personen…………………Susi1706 (Susi + Edda)…………………………………………….Kabine noch nicht bekannt
29 + 30..........2 Personen...............AndiRE (Sabine + Andreas)..............................Kabine noch nicht bekannt
31 + 32..........2 Personen...............Marten2501 ( Martina + Andre )........................Kabine noch nicht bekannt
33 + 34..........2 Personen...............Vita fan ( Ingrid + Joachim )............................Kabine noch nicht bekanntFantreffen finden wir super
aktualisierte Liste Fantreffen
FANTREFFENLiebe Mitreisende,
so langsam füllt sich die Teilnehmerliste für unser Treffen.
Damit ich dieses bei AIDA in Rostock anmelden kann benötige ich von allen Teilnehmern bis ca. 2 Wochen vor Reisebeginn die komplette Kabinennummer (Weiterleitung an AIDA erfolgt durch mich).
Sollte jemand Bedenken haben seine Kabinennummer hier zu veröffentlichen bitte ich um eine kurze persönliche Nachricht.Auf AIDAsehen
1 + 2………………2 Personen…………………Sonnenhungrige 2014 (Marion + Christine)……………Kabinen noch nicht bekannt
3 + 4………………2 Personen…………………Perlenfee (Etelka + Heinz)………………………………………Kabine noch nicht bekannt
5 + 6 + 7………3 Personen………………….ReneST. (Rene, Edeltraud + Peter)……………………….Kabinen noch nicht bekannt
8 + 9………………2 Personen…………………Antje1111 (Antje + Christoph)…………………………………Kabine noch nicht bekannt
10……………………1 Person…………………….MEER18 (Margot)………………………………………………………Kabine noch nicht bekannt
11 + 12………….2 Personen…………………Gitti7 (Brigitte + Peter)……………………………………………Kabine noch nicht bekannt
13 + 14………….2 Personen…………………gernimurlaub (Jens + Astrid)……………………………………Kabine noch nicht bekannt
15 + 16………….2 Personen…………………Sonnenkinder ( Heidi + Klaus )……………………………….Kabine noch nicht bekannt
17 + 18………….2 Personen…………………Trolly50 (Monika + Jürgen)………………………………………Kabine noch nicht bekannt
19 + 20………….2 Personen…………………Andrea + Aida (Andrea + Tilo)…………………………………Kabine noch nicht bekannt
21……………………1 Person…………………….Maxmara (Gudrun)…………………………………………………….Kabine noch nicht bekannt
22……………………1 Person…………………….Berbi123 (Bernd)……………………………………………………….Kabine noch nicht bekannt
23 + 24………….2 Personen…………………Irmiko (Winni + Irmi)……………………………………………….Kabine 42**
25 + 26………….2 Personen…………………Westiehund (Dieter + Heidi)…………………………………….Kabine 44**
27 + 28………….2 Personen…………………Susi1706 (Susi + Edda)…………………………………………….Kabine noch nicht bekannt
29 + 30………….2 Personen…………………AndiRE (Sabine + Andreas)………………………………………Kabine noch nicht bekannt
31 + 32………….2 Personen…………………Marten2501 (Martina + Andre)…………………………………Kabine noch nicht bekannt
33 + 34………….2 Personen………………..vita fan (Ingrid + Joachim)………………………………………Kabine noch nicht bekannt
35..................1 Person...................brico (Brigitta)...................................................Kabine noch nicht bekannt -
Hallo Brigitta,
willkommen hier.
Da Perlenfee hier im Forum von dem Halbtagesausflug mit Mussalem begeistert berichtet hat haben wir vor ca. 1 Woche Mussalem über seine E-Mail-Anschrift kontaktiert mit der Bitte um Informationen zu einem deutschprachigen Halbtagesausflug ab Salalah.perlenfee
Leider hat er sich bis heute nicht gemeldet. Du hast etwas von "Maria" geschrieben, ist das eine Mitarbeiterin oder evtl. seine Frau - und......gibt es denn evtl. noch eine andere Möglichkeit zur Kontaktaufnahme ???@ alle Mitreisenden
Gibt es denn noch weitere Interessierte für diesen 6-Stunden-Ausflug mit Mussalem von Sarabian Sand Tours für ca. 45 Euro???
(Beitrag Nr. 70 )
Die Internetseite von Arabien-Sands....lautet: http://www.arabiansandtours.comGOA:
[/u]Hier haben wir schon Kontakt zu Magic Mumbai aufgenommen und wir würden gerne den nachfolgenden Ausflug machen (falls es noch weitere Interessierte gibt, denn dann wird der Ausflug immer preiswerter)GOA PAST AND PRESENT
OPTION-II - GROUP TOUR WITH GERMAN SPEAKING GUIDE (16 adults)What the tour covers:
The tour includes the following (there will be a break for lunch in
- A drive to the top of a hill for a panoramic view of Goa. Here, our
guide will show you the layout of the land, highlighting the rivers,
islands, transport systems, and providing an overview of life in Goa.
- A visit to the churches of Old Goa, the "Rome of the East", which
was the administrative seat of the Portuguese. We will visit Se Cathedral
(the seat of theArchbishop of Goa), and the Basilica of Bom Jesus which
contains the body of Saint Francis Xavier, the Jesuit missionary who was
canonised in 1622.
- A brief walk through the heritage district of Fontainhas - this is
a residential area, the Latin quarter of Panjim where the traditional
colourful houses of the Catholic and Hindu community are still preserved.
Here you will see the original fountain after which the area was named. Life
in this old quarter still continues its sleepy ways.- Bazaar walk through the bustling Panjim fish and vegetable market -
this is a large colourful market where you can see all sorts of interesting
things on offer, including household wares, spices, fish, meat, vegetables
and many other goods. It's a great way to see daily life in Goa!Other ideas:
- A visit to a Hindu temple to see the local architectural styles and
prayer rituals. Hindus form the majority of the Goan population (around
70%), and the temple is a good way to see the "inner life" and rituals of
this community.
- If you are interested, you can also visit a popular local beach in
Goa, before being dropped back at the ship.
- Those interested in museums may visit the Museum of Christian Art in
Goa or the State Museum.
- If you would like to go shopping for handicrafts, please let the
guide know.Duration: We suggest that we pick you from at the ship at 10:00 a.m. and
drop you back after the tour around 4:00p.m. and cover as much as we can in
the duration available, based on your interests. This is a private tour and
open to modifications.Cost and Inclusions:
The prices for a tour of Goa are as follows:
Rs 2250 = ca. 32 € per person per day for a group of 9-15 people
Rs 2500 = ca. 36 € per person per day for a group of 7-8 people
Rs 3000 = ca. 43 € per person per day for a group of 5-6 people
Rs 3500 = ca. 50 € per person per day for a group of 4 people
Rs 4500 = ca. 65 € per person per day for a group of 3 people
Rs 6000 = ca. 86 € per person per day for a couple
Rs 10500 for a solo personThe price we charge includes pick up from inside the docks and drop
(air-conditioned transport), driver with cell phone, fuel, parking charges,
tolls, English-speaking guide, personalized tour itinerary, any entrance
tickets, bottled water, illustrated handouts (English), and drop back at
To book this tour, e-mail us. Payment is by cash on the day of the tour.
MUMBAI:Auch hier haben wir schon Kontakt zu Magic Mumbai aufgenommen und wir würden gerne den nachfolgenden Ausflug machen (falls es noch weitere Interessierte gibt, denn dann wird der Ausflug immer preiswerter)
For passengers arriving on cruise ships, we offer custom tours in Mumbai
that include pickup and drop from/to the docks.You can choose from the two options below.
We are making a group tour with English speaking guide and German
translator of 16 people for this option.
The coverage is as follows - Mumbai Must-sees and Bazaars
If you are in Mumbai only for a day, this tour offers a perfect introduction
to the city. It tells the story of the transformation of Mumbai from a
mono-cultural sleepy fishing hamlet into a melting pot that is today the
commercial capital of India. The tour will showcase all aspects of Mumbai -
the narrow geographical layout, the coastline, the daily commuting, the
various communities that make up the city, the old heritage district, the
old commercial and residential districts and the upcoming districts. The
tour includes a short walk through the Fort Heritage District. The 'Fort'
refers to a fort built by the British East India Company, hugging the
eastern coast, which was demolished in the 1860's. When you walk inside the
Fort Heritage District, you will see an amazing variety of historic
landmarks and buildings, constructed in different styles of architecture and
built in a variety of materials. Each building tells a fascinating story,
about the men who built it, and the historic events associated with it. We
will visit the iconic Gateway of India, and the area around it, including
the Taj Hotel. We will walk from there through Regal Circle and the heritage
buildings there, including the Prince of Wales Museum, NGMA, Police
Headquarters, The Kala Ghoda Art Precinct, Bombay University and the Oval
Maidan. We will see Flora Fountain, the grand Victoria Terminus and the
Municipal Building. We will visit Mani Bhavan (Gandhi's home in Mumbai),
drive through Marine Drive and Chowpatty Beach, and visit the popular
laundry Dhobi Ghat. We will also visit a local bazaar to look at daily life
in the city. The guide will choose the bazaar based on the day of the week,
different bazaars are open on different days. There will be a break for
lunch in between.The prices of our tours per day effective from 1-MAY-2014 are as follows:
Rs 3000 = ca. 43 € per person for a group of 9-16 people
Rs 3250 = ca. 47 € per person for a group of 7-8 people
Rs 3750 = ca. 54 € per person for a group of 5-6 people
Rs 4250 = ca. 61 € per person for a group of 4 people
Rs 5250 = ca. 75 € per person for a group of 3 people
Rs 6750 per person for a couplePlease use your contacts or the cruise forums to find like-minded people to
share the tour, it is quite easy, and it brings the cost per person down for
everyone. We have great reviews on Cruise Critic and Tripadvisor and it is
easy to find people who want to book with us.The price we charge includes the following:
- Pick up from inside the docks (Chauffeur-driven air-conditioned Toyota
Innova car) at the point where your ship berths. For larger groups above 4
people, we use an air-conditioned coach. The driver and guide will wait with
a placard / signboard with your name on it.- Cultured, highly qualified and knowledgeable lady guide. I have fourteen
guides - they are no-nonsense women who know the city intimately, and like
showing it to people. They speak English, German, Spanish, Italian,
Japanese, French and Arabic. They each have 15-20 years experience in
guiding, or more.- Well researched and personalized tour itinerary that is fluid through the
day to accommodate guest preferences.- Shopping assistance (we have a list of recommended fixed price shops where
the quality of goods is assured and guests are not subjected to haggling.
Alternatively, we can take you to local bazaars to experience street
shopping). There is no shopping on the tour unless you expressly ask for it;
there is so much to see and experience that we prefer to focus on
sightseeing. But please tell the guide if you want to buy something; they
know the best places and can help you.- All entrance tickets
- Bottled Water
- Illustrated Handouts for the tour - Our handouts are well-researched and
sometimes contain surprising information.- Attractively packaged take-away gift as a memento - just a small thing!
- Drop back at ship
Lunch is not included. There will be a break in between for lunch, you can
ask the guide for restaurant recommendations. Tell the guide what cuisine
you want to try and they will take you. If you have dietary restrictions,
let them know. We are quite used to dealing with different types of visitors
from all corners of the world, and all kinds of dietary issues, including
religious requirements, allergies etc. If you are bringing packed lunch from
the ship to eat in the vehicle, you still need to provide an hour's break to
the guide and driver, perhaps you can walk through Colaba Causeway or go to
a museum. But the food is very interesting and inexpensive and we know all
the best places!Please write to me for more information if you wish. Please book adequately
early as we are often sold out on cruise dates.You pay cash on the day of the tour. You can bring US$ or any other currency
and change it in Mumbai.http://www.mumbaimagic.com/ - E-Mail-Adresse: deepa@mumbaimagic.com
Sollte sich jemand für unsere favorisierten Ausflüge interessieren, bzw. sich evtl. schon bei Mumbaimagic angemeldet haben, bitten wir darum, eine Anmeldeliste zu erstellen
, damit man erkennen kann, wann das Busvolumen (16 Personen) erschöpft sein wird.
Wir hoffen auf viele Teilnehmer
und grüßen
aus dem schönen Mainz
Monika und Jürgen -
Da Perlenfee hier im Forum von dem Halbtagesausflug mit Mussalem begeistert berichtet hat haben wir vor ca. 1 Woche Mussalem über seine E-Mail-Anschrift kontaktiert mit der Bitte um Informationen zu einem deutschprachigen Halbtagesausflug ab Salalah.perlenfee
Leider hat er sich bis heute nicht gemeldet. Du hast etwas von "Maria" geschrieben, ist das eine Mitarbeiterin oder evtl. seine Frau - und......gibt es denn evtl. noch eine andere Möglichkeit zur Kontaktaufnahme ???@ alle Mitreisenden
Gibt es denn noch weitere Interessierte für diesen 6-Stunden-Ausflug mit Mussalem von Sarabian Sand Tours für ca. 45 Euro???
(Beitrag Nr. 70 )
Die Internetseite von Arabien-Sands....lautet: http://www.arabiansandtours.comGOA:
Hier haben wir schon Kontakt zu Magic Mumbai aufgenommen und wir würden gerne den nachfolgenden Ausflug machen (falls es noch weitere Interessierte gibt, denn dann wird der Ausflug immer preiswerter)GOA PAST AND PRESENT
OPTION-II - GROUP TOUR WITH GERMAN SPEAKING GUIDE (16 adults)What the tour covers:
The tour includes the following (there will be a break for lunch in
- A drive to the top of a hill for a panoramic view of Goa. Here, our
guide will show you the layout of the land, highlighting the rivers,
islands, transport systems, and providing an overview of life in Goa.- A visit to the churches of Old Goa, the "Rome of the East", which
was the administrative seat of the Portuguese. We will visit Se Cathedral
(the seat of theArchbishop of Goa), and the Basilica of Bom Jesus which
contains the body of Saint Francis Xavier, the Jesuit missionary who was
canonised in 1622.- A brief walk through the heritage district of Fontainhas - this is
a residential area, the Latin quarter of Panjim where the traditional
colourful houses of the Catholic and Hindu community are still preserved.
Here you will see the original fountain after which the area was named. Life
in this old quarter still continues its sleepy ways.- Bazaar walk through the bustling Panjim fish and vegetable market -
this is a large colourful market where you can see all sorts of interesting
things on offer, including household wares, spices, fish, meat, vegetables
and many other goods. It's a great way to see daily life in Goa!Other ideas:
- A visit to a Hindu temple to see the local architectural styles and
prayer rituals. Hindus form the majority of the Goan population (around
70%), and the temple is a good way to see the "inner life" and rituals of
this community.
- If you are interested, you can also visit a popular local beach in
Goa, before being dropped back at the ship.
- Those interested in museums may visit the Museum of Christian Art in
Goa or the State Museum.
- If you would like to go shopping for handicrafts, please let the
guide know.Duration: We suggest that we pick you from at the ship at 10:00 a.m. and
drop you back after the tour around 4:00p.m. and cover as much as we can in
the duration available, based on your interests. This is a private tour and
open to modifications.Cost and Inclusions:
The prices for a tour of Goa are as follows:
Rs 2250 = ca. 32 € per person per day for a group of 9-15 people
Rs 2500 = ca. 36 € per person per day for a group of 7-8 people
Rs 3000 = ca. 43 € per person per day for a group of 5-6 people
Rs 3500 = ca. 50 € per person per day for a group of 4 people
Rs 4500 = ca. 65 € per person per day for a group of 3 people
Rs 6000 = ca. 86 € per person per day for a couple
Rs 10500 for a solo personThe price we charge includes pick up from inside the docks and drop
(air-conditioned transport), driver with cell phone, fuel, parking charges,
tolls, English-speaking guide, personalized tour itinerary, any entrance
tickets, bottled water, illustrated handouts (English), and drop back at
To book this tour, e-mail us. Payment is by cash on the day of the tour.
MUMBAI:Auch hier haben wir schon Kontakt zu Magic Mumbai aufgenommen und wir würden gerne den nachfolgenden Ausflug machen (falls es noch weitere Interessierte gibt, denn dann wird der Ausflug immer preiswerter)
For passengers arriving on cruise ships, we offer custom tours in Mumbai
that include pickup and drop from/to the docks.You can choose from the two options below.
We are making a group tour with English speaking guide and German
translator of 16 people for this option.
The coverage is as follows - Mumbai Must-sees and Bazaars
If you are in Mumbai only for a day, this tour offers a perfect introduction
to the city. It tells the story of the transformation of Mumbai from a
mono-cultural sleepy fishing hamlet into a melting pot that is today the
commercial capital of India. The tour will showcase all aspects of Mumbai -
the narrow geographical layout, the coastline, the daily commuting, the
various communities that make up the city, the old heritage district, the
old commercial and residential districts and the upcoming districts. The
tour includes a short walk through the Fort Heritage District. The 'Fort'
refers to a fort built by the British East India Company, hugging the
eastern coast, which was demolished in the 1860's. When you walk inside the
Fort Heritage District, you will see an amazing variety of historic
landmarks and buildings, constructed in different styles of architecture and
built in a variety of materials. Each building tells a fascinating story,
about the men who built it, and the historic events associated with it. We
will visit the iconic Gateway of India, and the area around it, including
the Taj Hotel. We will walk from there through Regal Circle and the heritage
buildings there, including the Prince of Wales Museum, NGMA, Police
Headquarters, The Kala Ghoda Art Precinct, Bombay University and the Oval
Maidan. We will see Flora Fountain, the grand Victoria Terminus and the
Municipal Building. We will visit Mani Bhavan (Gandhi's home in Mumbai),
drive through Marine Drive and Chowpatty Beach, and visit the popular
laundry Dhobi Ghat. We will also visit a local bazaar to look at daily life
in the city. The guide will choose the bazaar based on the day of the week,
different bazaars are open on different days. There will be a break for
lunch in between.The prices of our tours per day effective from 1-MAY-2014 are as follows:
Rs 3000 = ca. 43 € per person for a group of 9-16 people
Rs 3250 = ca. 47 € per person for a group of 7-8 people
Rs 3750 = ca. 54 € per person for a group of 5-6 people
Rs 4250 = ca. 61 € per person for a group of 4 people
Rs 5250 = ca. 75 € per person for a group of 3 people
Rs 6750 per person for a couplePlease use your contacts or the cruise forums to find like-minded people to
share the tour, it is quite easy, and it brings the cost per person down for
everyone. We have great reviews on Cruise Critic and Tripadvisor and it is
easy to find people who want to book with us.The price we charge includes the following:
- Pick up from inside the docks (Chauffeur-driven air-conditioned Toyota
Innova car) at the point where your ship berths. For larger groups above 4
people, we use an air-conditioned coach. The driver and guide will wait with
a placard / signboard with your name on it.- Cultured, highly qualified and knowledgeable lady guide. I have fourteen
guides - they are no-nonsense women who know the city intimately, and like
showing it to people. They speak English, German, Spanish, Italian,
Japanese, French and Arabic. They each have 15-20 years experience in
guiding, or more.- Well researched and personalized tour itinerary that is fluid through the
day to accommodate guest preferences.- Shopping assistance (we have a list of recommended fixed price shops where
the quality of goods is assured and guests are not subjected to haggling.
Alternatively, we can take you to local bazaars to experience street
shopping). There is no shopping on the tour unless you expressly ask for it;
there is so much to see and experience that we prefer to focus on
sightseeing. But please tell the guide if you want to buy something; they
know the best places and can help you.- All entrance tickets
- Bottled Water
- Illustrated Handouts for the tour - Our handouts are well-researched and
sometimes contain surprising information.- Attractively packaged take-away gift as a memento - just a small thing!
- Drop back at ship
Lunch is not included. There will be a break in between for lunch, you can
ask the guide for restaurant recommendations. Tell the guide what cuisine
you want to try and they will take you. If you have dietary restrictions,
let them know. We are quite used to dealing with different types of visitors
from all corners of the world, and all kinds of dietary issues, including
religious requirements, allergies etc. If you are bringing packed lunch from
the ship to eat in the vehicle, you still need to provide an hour's break to
the guide and driver, perhaps you can walk through Colaba Causeway or go to
a museum. But the food is very interesting and inexpensive and we know all
the best places!Please write to me for more information if you wish. Please book adequately
early as we are often sold out on cruise dates.You pay cash on the day of the tour. You can bring US$ or any other currency
and change it in Mumbai.http://www.mumbaimagic.com/ - E-Mail-Adresse: deepa@mumbaimagic.com
Sollte sich jemand für unsere favorisierten Ausflüge interessieren, bzw. sich evtl. schon bei Mumbaimagic angemeldet haben, bitten wir darum, eine Anmeldeliste zu erstellen
, damit man erkennen kann, wann das Busvolumen (16 Personen) erschöpft sein wird.
Wir hoffen auf viele Teilnehmer
und grüßen
aus dem schönen Mainz
Monika und JürgenHallo Ihr Beiden,
den Ausflug für Salalah über Arabian Sand Tours hatte ich bereits im Forum angeboten (gsgsNachricht 115).
Häufig ist Mussalem unterwegs und antwortete später.
Probier es noch mal - wir haben bereits eine Zusage :))
Grüße, Andrea
Hallo Ihr Beiden,
den Ausflug für Salalah über Arabian Sand Tours hatte ich bereits im Forum angeboten (gsgsNachricht 115).
Häufig ist Mussalem unterwegs und antwortete später.
Probier es noch mal - wir haben bereits eine Zusage :))
Grüße, Andrea
Hallo zusammen,
ich (2 Personen) - haben uns per Mail zu dem Ausflug in Salalah heute angemeldet.
Ich hätte da aber nochmal eine Frage?
Schaffen wir den Ausflug denn überhaupt bei einer Liegezeit von 07:00 bis 16:00 Uhr? -
gerade per Email geordert.Mumbai
Brigitte und Peter.
ZitatFor passengers arriving on cruise ships, we offer custom tours in Mumbai
that include pickup and drop from/to the docks.You can choose from the two options below.
We are making a group tour with English speaking guide and German
translator of 16 people for this option.
The coverage is as follows - Mumbai Must-sees and Bazaars
If you are in Mumbai only for a day, this tour offers a perfect introduction
to the city. It tells the story of the transformation of Mumbai from a
mono-cultural sleepy fishing hamlet into a melting pot that is today the
commercial capital of India. The tour will showcase all aspects of Mumbai -
the narrow geographical layout, the coastline, the daily commuting, the
various communities that make up the city, the old heritage district, the
old commercial and residential districts and the upcoming districts. The
tour includes a short walk through the Fort Heritage District. The 'Fort'
refers to a fort built by the British East India Company, hugging the
eastern coast, which was demolished in the 1860's. When you walk inside the
Fort Heritage District, you will see an amazing variety of historic
landmarks and buildings, constructed in different styles of architecture and
built in a variety of materials. Each building tells a fascinating story,
about the men who built it, and the historic events associated with it. We
will visit the iconic Gateway of India, and the area around it, including
the Taj Hotel. We will walk from there through Regal Circle and the heritage
buildings there, including the Prince of Wales Museum, NGMA, Police
Headquarters, The Kala Ghoda Art Precinct, Bombay University and the Oval
Maidan. We will see Flora Fountain, the grand Victoria Terminus and the
Municipal Building. We will visit Mani Bhavan (Gandhi's home in Mumbai),
drive through Marine Drive and Chowpatty Beach, and visit the popular
laundry Dhobi Ghat. We will also visit a local bazaar to look at daily life
in the city. The guide will choose the bazaar based on the day of the week,
different bazaars are open on different days. There will be a break for
lunch in between.The prices of our tours per day effective from 1-MAY-2014 are as follows:
Rs 3000 = ca. 43 € per person for a group of 9-16 people
Rs 3250 = ca. 47 € per person for a group of 7-8 people
Rs 3750 = ca. 54 € per person for a group of 5-6 people
Rs 4250 = ca. 61 € per person for a group of 4 people
Rs 5250 = ca. 75 € per person for a group of 3 people
Rs 6750 per person for a couplePlease use your contacts or the cruise forums to find like-minded people to
share the tour, it is quite easy, and it brings the cost per person down for
everyone. We have great reviews on Cruise Critic and Tripadvisor and it is
easy to find people who want to book with us.The price we charge includes the following:
- Pick up from inside the docks (Chauffeur-driven air-conditioned Toyota
Innova car) at the point where your ship berths. For larger groups above 4
people, we use an air-conditioned coach. The driver and guide will wait with
a placard / signboard with your name on it.- Cultured, highly qualified and knowledgeable lady guide. I have fourteen
guides - they are no-nonsense women who know the city intimately, and like
showing it to people. They speak English, German, Spanish, Italian,
Japanese, French and Arabic. They each have 15-20 years experience in
guiding, or more.- Well researched and personalized tour itinerary that is fluid through the
day to accommodate guest preferences.- Shopping assistance (we have a list of recommended fixed price shops where
the quality of goods is assured and guests are not subjected to haggling.
Alternatively, we can take you to local bazaars to experience street
shopping). There is no shopping on the tour unless you expressly ask for it;
there is so much to see and experience that we prefer to focus on
sightseeing. But please tell the guide if you want to buy something; they
know the best places and can help you.- All entrance tickets
- Bottled Water
- Illustrated Handouts for the tour - Our handouts are well-researched and
sometimes contain surprising information.- Attractively packaged take-away gift as a memento - just a small thing!
- Drop back at ship
Lunch is not included. There will be a break in between for lunch, you can
ask the guide for restaurant recommendations. Tell the guide what cuisine
you want to try and they will take you. If you have dietary restrictions,
let them know. We are quite used to dealing with different types of visitors
from all corners of the world, and all kinds of dietary issues, including
religious requirements, allergies etc. If you are bringing packed lunch from
the ship to eat in the vehicle, you still need to provide an hour's break to
the guide and driver, perhaps you can walk through Colaba Causeway or go to
a museum. But the food is very interesting and inexpensive and we know all
the best places!Please write to me for more information if you wish. Please book adequately
early as we are often sold out on cruise dates.You pay cash on the day of the tour. You can bring US$ or any other currency
and change it in Mumbai.http://www.mumbaimagic.com/ - E-Mail-Adresse: deepa@mumbaimagic.com
Hallo an Alle,
es gibt ja Wiederholungstäter, was diese Transreise betrifft. Wie sind Eure Erfahrungen mit dem Rückflug?
Ich habe hier mal die nicht sehr ermutigenden Berichte über die langwierigen Abfertigungen im Fluhafen gelesen, dass man 6,5 Stunden braucht zwischen Ankunft am Airport bis zum Einsteigen ins Flugzeug.
Hoffentlich habe ich da etwas falsch verstanden?
Muss man mit einem Umsteigeflug rechnen oder kann man auf einen Direktflug hoffen?
Hat man ev. noch den zweiten Tag in Chocin oder wir man schon am Morgen früh abgeholt?Es ist schon sonderbar eine Reise zu planen, bei der erst der Abreisehafen geändert wird und zwei weitere Destinationen wegfallen, die Fluginformationen in Häppchen und zum Teil lange gar nicht kommen, man erst kurz vorher die Kabine genannt bekommt und die Ausflüge nicht buchen kann, letzteres verstehe ich am wenigsten. So buchen doch viele lieber bereits eine private Tour, oder ist das gewollt?
Jetzt erzählt mir bitte nichts von Premium versus Vario.
Ich habe die mieseste Kabinen in Premium gebucht, weil ein Jahr vorher angeblich schon so viel ausgebucht war und dann kamen die tollen Angebote und gerade Cluschiffprofis hat , nach eigener Erfahrung, super Kabinen im Variokontingent die man gleich genannt bekam.
Mein Mann bucht aber so gerne in einem Reisebüro in seiner alten Heimat, so habe ich den Salat und muss warten...
Grüße Gudrun -
Hallo Gudrun, auf alle Fragen von Dir habe ich keine Antwort, aber ich weiß, dass unser Rückflug über Dubai geht. So stands in unserer Buchungs-Bestätigung. LG, Claudia
Hallo zusammen wir sind auch dabei fliegen ab Frankfurt.
Würden uns freuen, wenn man zusammen Ausflüge machen könnte.
Wir freuen uns schon riesig, da wir das erste mal dem Schiff unterwegs sind. -