Beiträge von Lilalaunebär
Eure Kreuzfahrt einfach & direkt im Forum buchen. Wasserurlauber buchen auf Los geht's!
Hallo Kleineheie,
wir sind auch gerne beim Fantreffen dabei:
Vorschlag 29.12.2018 am vormittag...
Bianca +1
Sabine S.
Jens und Gabi
Nils D. +3
Pe Sabi
Michaela + 3
Petra und DetlefVielen Dank schon mal fürs Organisieren
LG, Petra
Hurra, wir haben heute auch unsere Unterlagen bekommen.
Jetzt geht das große Basteln der Kofferanhänger los -
hat jemand von den Just-Buchern schon die Reiseunterlagen per Mail bekommen?.
Wir warten immer noch drauf. -
Hallo zusammen,
wir planen auf Grand Cayman eine Tour mit Cayman Eco Tours:
und suchen noch mind. 6 Mitstreiter.
Hier mal die Informationen, die wir bekommen haben:
We have been providing the best stingray excursions available in Cayman for over six years. Our tours are done on board The Ali'i Kai; a 42 foot Pro 42 Dive Boat. It is equipped with a fresh water rinse, on board restroom, open front deck for guests looking to lay out and covered seating for those guests who do not wish to bask in the sun. Our tours average ten people, with our maximum capacity is 25 people; the boat is rated for 45 people so you are guaranteed to have plenty of space even at our maximum. Having this max allows us to provide a much more personalised tour to our customers and ensures that no one feels crowded. W e go the extra mile to make certain our guests feel more like friends than customers, and more importantly, we take exceptional care of the wildlife, something that is not done with most other companies. The rays are not only gorgeous creatures, but are also very intelligent. They have learnt that the other tours companies capture them, holding them against their will and exploiting them for pictures and profit. We witness stingrays being held, unable to swim freely, for up to 30 minutes at a time, on a daily basis, thus teaching the stingrays to avoid the big crowds.
We take a totally different approach to interacting with the rays; teaching our guests how to properly interact with these amazing creatures, our groups are usually surrounded by a dozen or more stingrays, which will come and nuzzle up against you, allow themselves to be pet, hand-fed, photographed and even held (with the proper instruction from our crew members). The reef is no different, we take the utmost care to preserve the natural beauty that people travel thousands of miles to see. We strive to provide the best customer service, our staff is friendly, knowledgeable and as an added bonus they are native to Cayman, so they can tell you all about our beautiful Island and growing up here. Our prices are set by the standard we uphold and therefore do not offer any discounts; however you are able to find operators who will offer discounts; rule of thumb; you will more than likely get what you pay for.
We would be happy to accommodate you on February 03, 2018. Our bookings are on a first come first serve basis and spaces fill quickly; there are currently 25 spaces available. To join our tour we would ask you to please meet our representative on the Royal Watler Cruise Ship Terminal at 9:00 am local time. Our trip will depart promptly at 9:15 am local time. There are three cruise ship terminals located in George Town; the North terminal, the South terminal and the Royal Watler terminal; they are all located on the same block. Your tour would have you back to the terminal, or along Seven Mile Beach no later than 1:00 pm. Please ensure that your cruise ships itinerary allows you enough time to disembark and that our return time allows you enough time to catch your last tender before confirming a reservation. Round trip transportation on our air-conditioned Toyota Coaster bus, as well as all snorkel gear; mask, snorkel, fins, and snorkel vest are included in the price; $55.00 US per person age 13 years and older and $45.00 US per person age 12 years old and younger
A $10.00 per person non-refundable deposit is required to hold a reservation. If your ship does not make port or if the excursion is cancelled you are not expected to pay and will receive a full refund.
The Cayman Islands do not observe daylight saving and remain on the same time year round; we are 5 hours behind GMT. Ship time vs Cayman local time can be a bit confusing; some ships change time with each port; some do not. It is our experience that if your cruise ship stays on Florida time, then your ship time will be the same as Grand Cayman. If your ship stays on Texas/New Orleans time then your ship time should one hour behind Cayman Time. The Cayman Islands and Florida are on the same time and Texas/New Orleans is an hour behind Cayman time from November 05, 2017 until March 11, 2018.
This tour will make two stops; one at the Stingray City Sandbar and one at the Barrier Reef. The sandbar is shallow area between 3-5 feet deep which allows you to get up close and personal with the stingrays. Here you will have the opportunity to feed, hold, pet and take photo's with the rays. The next stop is the barrier reef which is only a short boat ride from the sandbar. The water here is between 6-10 feet deep with the reef coming up to the surface. You have the opportunity to snorkel in the crystal-clear blue water and observe the abundance of tropical marine life who have made the reef their home.
Once back on board we will invite you to snack on some fresh fruit, sit back and relax as we head back to the Yacht Club. The boat ride to and from the sandbar/reef averages 30 minutes; we spend an average of 45 minutes at the sandbar and reef location and allow our customers a minimum of a full 35 minutes in the water. This is the actual, in the water time and does not include the time it takes to anchor, brief etc.
If you would like to join our tour, we suggest you bring the following items with you; bathing suit (there is a restroom on board if you wish to change once on board) towels, sunblock, underwater camera, snacks/food if you wish and a sense of adventure!!! We provide food for the stingrays as well as complimentary bottled water and have soda available for purchase. We normally stock a variety of Coca Cola products, however, if there are specific drinks you wish to have on board, you are welcome to bring them with you. Non-alcoholic beverages are $2.00 US per drink.Bei Interesse, schickt uns bitte eine PN. Wir würden uns freuen,
Viele Grüße
Petra -
Wir auch und freuen uns schon riesig
Hallo Ika,
wir möchten auch gerne dabei sein:
Ika ......................2 Personen (Walter und Monika)
cynthia_alisha ...4 Personen (Delia, Gabi, Petra, Carina)
Osterhase: .........6 Personen (Ingrid, Jürgen, Edith, Helmut, Dominik, Markus)
PearlyMae: ........2 Personen (Astrid, Helena )
Langoehrle.........2 Personen (Carmen und Peter)
Stefan Enz .........2 Personen (Stefan und Anja)
Marita Müller.......2 Personen (Marita und Manfred )
trumpfi................1 Person (Jens)
Laura Engel........2 Personen (Laura und Christian)
Froschmaster.....2 Personen (Anja und Rudi) Kabine 7474
Rudi 10...............2 Personen (Edel und Rudi)
Lilalaunebär ....... 2 Personen (Petra und Detlef)Somit also 29 Personen
Herzlichen Dank für's Organisieren!!!
Liebe Grüße
Petra und Detlef -
Hallo Kati,
vielen lieben Dank für's Organisieren
LG, Petra
unseren Nachnamen senden wir per PN.
Kabinennummer folgt, sobald wir sie haben.LG, Petra
Hallo Kati2512,
wir möchten uns auch gerne beim Fantreffen anschließen.
Die Kabinennummer haben wir leider noch nicht.LG, Petra und Detlef
Hallo ulichri,
habt ihr noch zwei Plätze frei oder seid ihr schon komplett?
LG, Petra und Detlef
Hallo ihr Lieben,
ist ja echt ruhig hier, das kenne ich sonst gar nicht
Wie dem auch sei....
Wir wollen auf eigene Faust nach Rom. Entweder mit der Bahn oder mit Civitatours.
Hat einer von euch da evtl. Erfahrung?LG, Petra
Da bin ich aber froh!
Ich dachte schon, wir sind allein auf dem Schiff -
wir haben gerade die Mittelmeer-Tour mit der Bella gbucht.
Ist sonst noch jemand dabei?
Liebe Grüße
Petra und Detlef -
Wir sind auch gerne dabei. Kabine 7473.
Danke für's Organisieren.LG, Petra und Detlef
Na, das wäre super, dann können wir früh vom Schiff.
Hallo zusammen,
weiß zufällig jemand, wann die Seenotrettungsübung voraussichtlich stattfinden wird?
Es sind ja einige an Bord, die die Tour schon mal gemacht haben.Für die Ausflugsplanung wäre das schon gut zu wissen.
VG Petra
Hallo an alle,
wir (2 Personen) haben gestern kurzfristig diese Reise gebucht.
Hat jemand evtl. noch Platz bei selbst organisierten Ausflügen, bei denen wir uns anschließen könnten?
LG, Petra und Detlef