The ingredients,for the Kids cocktails are as far as I can see basic, it was more probable that the order came from the Hotel Manager to not serve them and focus on only softdrinks for kids and use the time saved on preparing alcoholic cocktails. Once again due to crewing issues.
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We are in Premium Eco this time ( our 2-year old son will go on his first long holiday), so that might explain. In any case, We are hoping to get the first flight of the day ( dep. 08:45h. As this better suits our son’s sleep pattern).
Ich mache die Reise mit der Perla am 10.11. und fliege auch ab FRA. Meine Flüge standen letzte Woche erst in myAida, also könnte es bei euch wohl noch etwas dauern…
We are on the same sailing and fly FRA-LRM on 10/11/22 and no flight info yet, also Aida was unable to tell me anything on the phone
As far as I am aware, there is NO need to wear your lifevest to the Assembly Station, althoug most,Aida passengers assume that this is still the procedure, as before the Covid-stop. The video gives you instructions and you are free and encouraged to try in your cabin, but wearing it in public spaces is actually a risk, there have been countless incidents where people tripped and broke something, is NOT an IMO nor an Italian Authority regulation and has been pointed out in Internal Carnival and External Safety audits on Aida. ( as is for example permitting to smoke on the balcony, a huge no-no).
No info yet for flights from FRA on 10/11/22. Just contacted Aida.
The whole concept of some coffees included, others not, the fact that some softdrinks are not included in the AI is simply too ridiculous for words and Aida is “ unique” in this confusing and user unfriendly policy. They should take an example of their mother company and HAL, where everything is very clear.
If you have an AI drink package, the least you can expect is that your simple coffee after dinner is included. Starbucks or not.
From my contacts within Condor, the first flight on 10/11 , DE3844 will probably be a B763, the Second one, DE3704, an A339, but this can still change. The Condor B767-300’s are getting a bit old in the tooth, but are still a comfortable option over the Atlantic. ( but not nearly as nice as the aircraft I Captain, which has 4 engines 😉)
We are booked in Premium Economy, directly FRA- LRM ( as we live in Spain and are Belgian),which is actually much nicer on Eurowings Discover...
Ps; enschuldigung, mein Deutsch ist zehr slecht.
Fur uns: kein buffet? Kein Aida!
The current culinary offerings are completely indadequate compared to other cruiselines, which are often cheaper.
Aida = Buffet concept. There ARE many ways to offer guests a quality buffet. Offering a meat/fish/veg dish and these in all restaurants the same might be ok for a high-school, but not at all on a cruiseshipmor even a 3 star hotel.
We do expect Aida to start the usual buffet concept again in autumn.
Entschuldigung, ich bin Belger und spreche kaum Deutsch ...
Wir haben einen 2 järigen Sohn aber wollen einen panorama cabine oder Mini-suite buchen... ( Karibik )
Ist unser Sohn auf der Patiodeck erlaubt?
Und die Beachclub?
und nochmal O.T. :
Dann wird es sicher auch bald Beschwerden zum Skywalk geben,
von dort gab es auch sehr "interessante" Veranda-/Lanai-Einblicke
was den Bewohnern sicher nicht so bewusst war -
Wir sind dabei, aber sprechen kaum Deutsch...
Viel Spaß am bord!
Actually, the OFFICIAL date of entry into the Registery is when handover occurs from the Builder to the Operator.
The naming ceremony is just a show really.For example, I seem to remember that AidaStella was handed over from Meyer to Aida on 10/03/2013. The actually Naming ceremony was on 16/03/2013
Some ships do several official sailings with passengers before the Naming Ceremony because of commercial reasons ( like press promotion events, homeport, etc...)
AidaStella BD 6267
Sorry, but as very regular cruise passengers, ( elite +) on Celebrity/RCL and others, the prices asked by Aida for their Premium fares are simply ridiculous for the quality given.
We do cruise Aida, but see Aida as a VERY BASIC Discount ship experience with food that is totally unmemorable, the buffets in all restaurants are not more than 3 star shoreside AI resort quality. ( I spend around 250 nights a year in hotels, I know my buffets)
Aida is excellent when getting a good Vario price and when considering the ship as a Premium Ferry experience between islands/destinations. Entertainment is standard, Wellness is fine but outside facilities are simply Ferry standard again.
Those willing to pay Premium really should sail other lines with proper service and proper food to compare.
Dear all,
First of all, apologies for writing in English, but my German is not sufficient to write long posts...
There seems to be some discussion regarding the Obligatory Emergency Drill at the start of your cruises, and I would like to clarify some points and give my own Professional views on this.
As far as I have experienced, Aida cruises requires their passengers to assemble at their designated lifeboat station, wearing their lifevests.
This is how most lines used to do their drills.
However,it has been found by that this is not necessarily the best way of organizing this extremely important drill.Let me tell you why I have a problem with the Aida way of doing the Emergency Drill : ( this comes from experience from September 2012)
An emergency briefing should be...brief. Aida's emergency drill goes on forever and will go over minute details, absolutely unimportant at that time and this also in various languages. Attention span during emergency briefings is no more than 5 minutes on average. Any extra time will go to waste and is even counterproductive as passengers lose their interest, start playing with the vests, get irritated and start talking.
Stick to the main important things : emergency signal, what to do when that signal sounds, location of your assembly station ( NOT your lifeboat!!!!), where is my lifejacket, how to done the lifejacket, Evacuation signal, how to recognize Crew. General important safety regulations: smoking in particular.
This is by far best to be shown by instructural video.2) DO NOT WEAR YOUR LIFEVEST
By all means, try on your Lifevest in your cabin, but bringing it to your assembly station ismasking for trouble. First of all, EVERY sailing, people trip over loose straps, resulting on injuries almost every sailing. Also, modern lifejackets are easy to don,,it is basically foolproof when watching the crew/video . In a real emergency, at your assembly station, you will be checked that you are wearing your lifevest, especially children.3) DO NOT ASSUME YOUR ASSIGNED LIFEBOAT WILL BE YOUR ACTUAL EVACUATION BOAT.
This is a major critic of mine on Aida actually, and I have let them know already.
In an actual emergency, half,of the lifeboats might be unsuitable for evacuation. Examples are fire, side listing of more than a few degrees, wind ans sea conditions etc.
It is much better to assemble the passengers to various assembly stations in the interiour of the ship ( unless a fire is in the immediate vicinity) where all are protected from the outside environment and there is less noise.
At this assembly station, a thorough briefing can then take place to prepare for evacuation IF the Master or highest ranking Officer on duty will decide to abandon ship. It gives crew the time to EVALUATE the ACTUAL conditions and designate each assembly station appropriate evacuation means, eg. Lifeboat or EMS slide system. There are way too many variables in each emergency situation to assemble near a certain boat. Time is NOT the main limiting factor onboard ships, compared to Aircraft evacuations, where one needs to be evacuated within 90 seconds with half of the exits blocked.CREW MUST DON DIFFERENT COLOURED LIFEVESTS
Wearing an Aida hat to recognize a crewmember in an emergency situation, where often you have a loss of power, and only emergency lighting
Simply does not do. Different coloured lifevests are fluorescent and are immediately recognizeable.All in all, still, the cruise industry can learn from Aviation regarding how emergencies are handeled and practiced. On deck AND on the Bridge.
It is a good sign though that Aida is now giving simulator training and starting to use checklists.Aida is very safety conscious and training is top, of that I am sure however. These are my personal views on the drill.
Best regards,
Tino Coddé
Chairman TCAS maritime and aviation Safety -
Danke für die antworten!
Vorerst, enschuldigung, ich spreche kaum ein bischen Deutsch, da ich Belger bin.
Ich suche die actuelle speisekarte von Brauhaus?
Welchen zachen sind inclusiv und fur welches gerichten müssen wir extra zahlen?